Gone but never forgotten

Created by Jay 2 months ago

Bill you have left a big hole in my life.  Lunch companion, museum visitor, walks, tennis advisor (not always polite), sounding board and ability to pick me up when I was low even when you had more than enough of your own health problems to deal with. I know you helped out several people who were trying to overcome their health issues. 

We had the same dark sense of humour and shared some obscure interests.  Neither of us were shy in speaking our minds with a certain directness.

I was privileged to meet your family and listen to you when you spoke of the love and pride you had for "The Treacle " (Tracy) and "The kids" (Chris and Sophie).

Sadly you are somewhat irreplaceable but can hear you telling me to buck up and carry on. I hope that wherever you are playing tennis now you are just as intimidating on the courts and as much fun off them.

Your chum Jay.