You’re still alive then!

Created by Sue 2 months ago

You’re still alive then!

Thats how Bill greeted me on the phone. My cancer went to stage 4 in 2008 and Bill called me regularly with that greeting which together with our wide ranging great chats kept my spirits up and helped me so much, through my years of treatment. .


I met Bill in the 80s when we were both establishing our businesses and we shared all the ups and downs of our working life over the years. Bill’s unique attitude helped me put it all in perspective and Pinnerton became so important to us as a supplier but Bill also helped to vastly improve the industry conference I ran.

However it was when Bill got his diagnosis and dealt with his own illness that he became a real inspiration to me. We had long chats but also lovely trips to Wisley despite Bill ‘s pain, he was always such lovely company. He also generously helped and supported other Myeloma patients. 
For forty years Bill had a special influence on my life and I am missing him so much and feel cheated that he went so suddenly and far too soon. 

Your friend Sue